Case Study: Communications Department Can Now Monitor Campaign Status


A significant goal for a consumer products company’s in-house agency was the ability to monitor the financial status of projects. The Advantage implementation team recommended the unique Quote vs Actual dashboard providing real-time comparisons of actual costs to the estimate by project, campaign or product. As the client’s needs evolve, Advantage continues their support, from quick answers to consulting.

Client Profile
Corporate Communications, 100 users, Consumer Products

Existing project scheduling system lacked flexibility.  There was no way to monitor project actuals against estimated costs and hours. In addition, the existing system had no ability to organize projects or alert managers of past due tasks and deliverables. 

Advantage Solutions
Advantage’s project schedule feature met the requirements for repetitive as well as unique jobs. The unique Quote vs Actual tool provided real-time insights to project financial status. 

Overall team efficiency was improved. Advantage’s project organization and monitoring capabilities streamlined processes.  Integrated communication tools, project scheduling and resource management expedited production. 

A consumer product company’s in-house agency had outgrown its existing system. Important tasks were falling through the cracks and deadlines were regularly missed. The large number of projects for various product lines facilitated the need to find a better organization system. The Advantage Agency Management system provided many options to categorize projects, including by product, campaign and more.

New marketing channels and the need for faster turnarounds introduced the demand for a project scheduling tool with the flexibility to template or copy existing schedules as well as create ones from scratch. Not only did the Advantage project scheduling feature meet these requirements, the system’s integrated alert system notified managers of overdue tasks and deliverables.

A significant goal for the client was the ability to monitor the financial status of projects. Advantage’s unique Quote vs Actual dashboard provided real-time comparisons of actual costs to the estimate. With these on-demand insights, managers could now prevent scope creep and get in front of project costs before they spiraled out of control.

Advantage’s experienced implementation consultants assisted key client personnel in setting up and customizing their database to accommodate their workflow. Onsite training provided the staff with hands-on practice to prepare for a successful launch. As the client’s needs evolve, Advantage continues their support, from quick answers to consulting.

An unexpected bonus that department managers observed was increased employee efficiency. Because team members no longer needed to spend time on repetitive tasks such as entering project data from the scheduling software to spreadsheets, they were able to concentrate on more important things.

The Advantage agency management system is an all-in-one solution purpose-built for agencies and creative teams of all sizes.

We’ve been exclusively focused on helping our clients maximize productivity, efficiency and profitability for over 40 years, with almost a thousand agencies counting on us to help run their business every day.

Find out how Advantage can help you by contacting us for a complimentary demo or discussion about your unique needs.

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