Growing Your Agency? 3 Keys to Make it Scalable

Is your agency scalable? Here are 3 things you can do to minimize increased operating costs while successfully growing your business.


Have Solid Systems and Processes

Avoid expensive growing pains by having documented processes and workflows in place. A good process promotes structure, keeps everyone organized and connects multiple departments. This builds a good foundation that prepares your organization for growth.


Processes that are labor intensive are not scalable. Look for bottlenecks in the way things are currently done. This will shine the spotlight on where improvements are necessary, because if they aren’t running smoothly now, it will be far worse when you have grown (and may even impede growth). For example, managing projects with Excel spreadsheets and creating manual reports may seem fine now, but will be entirely too cumbersome when your agency size has expanded.


Automation is your best friend here. What may look like a cheap fix may actually be costing you more in duplicated tasks and human error, so resist the temptation to cobble together inadequate systems. This is not a scalable. Having a robust platform that automates your processes and eliminates repetitive tasks will free your team up to concentrate on growth-related activities. An all-in-one agency management system that connects accounting, finance, project management and media will drive growth and expansion while keeping operating costs down.


Hire for the agency you want to have

As your agency grows, you’ll need people that can grow with you, so look for those who can contribute long-term. You probably don’t want to think about succession, but it’s a great way to check for the scalability of your staff. Evaluate where your agency’s management can be improved by imagining what would happen to your agency if you were not there to lead. If it would fall apart without you, then it is not scalable. Groom more candidates to fill key positions. Allow them to take responsibility for managing important aspects such as production and finance. Delegating will empower them and motivate them to propel your agency forward.  Worried about staying in the loop? A platform with powerful self-service reporting will allow you to stay informed with quick and easy access to data.


Focus on your agency’s strengths

You can’t be everything to everyone. Taking on projects that are a bad fit does not foster growth and profit. Focus on your strengths. Outsource if you must take on work that exceeds your limitations. Scalable businesses leverage outside resources. Cultivate relationships with freelancers so you and your staff can concentrate on what you do best.


Are you looking for a scalable solution that will grow with your agency?  Advantage Software is purpose-built for full-service advertising agencies, creative teams, public relations firms, and marketing firms of all sizes. Over 850 agencies use Advantage for AccountingProject Management and Media. With features like a built-in document management repository, schedules, agile boards and a training video library, it has everything you need to manage your business. We’ve been helping our clients maximize productivity, efficiency and profitability for over 40 years. Find out how we can help you by contacting us for a demo

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